Oranges are round citrus fruits that grow on evergreen trees (like their cousin the lemon). Oranges range in flavor from sweet to bitter, and contain juicy, pulpy flesh. Over 600 varieties of oranges exist today. The most commonly found varieties include the navel and valencia oranges (which are both sweet and good for juicing). Brazil is the largest producer of oranges in the world, producing roughly one third of the world's orange crop.
Fun Facts
- The orange tree is the most common fruit tree grown in the world
- Most green oranges are perfectly ripe. The green skin of an orange indicates that it is full of Chlorophyll (the green pigment responsible for absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis).
Peel it?
Orange has some extremely bitter oil in it. If you blend that you're going to have a bad time. Seeds can also add some bitter taste, so either use navel oranges or de-seed as best as you can.
Smoothie Recipes with Oranges

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Beet & Berry 'em
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Apple Ginga
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